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LS-OPT 5.2

Release notes for LS-OPT 5.2

The following features have been added:

  1. A new integrated progress window has been created to unify Windows and Linux progress monitoring. The window features separate tabs for text output and thermometer type progress monitoring. Warnings and errors are displayed in a separate tab window. Global progress is displayed. The window can be hidden while the older option via the stage dialog LED is still available.
  2. Navigation tools are available in the GUI for navigating between levels when using multilevel optimization. E.g. the input setup and progress can be accessed with full functionality for lower levels by navigating from the start (top) level. 
  3. Response variables were created to allow the substitution of simulation results in input files of a child stage during a multi-stage process flow. Histories from simulation output can also be transferred to LS-DYNA input files as *DEFINE_CURVE data sets. Response and history expressions are fully supported.
  4. The generation and display of comparison metamodels. A set of different metamodels based on the same set of analysis results can be selected by the user for display.                                                                                                          
  5. Histories can be displayed in three dimensions.
  6. Reliability statistics, e.g. as a result of direct or metamodel-based Monte Carlo analysis can be extracted in a multilevel setup. This allows the setup of, for instance, tolerance optimization or robust design problems using the direct Monte Carlo method. Mean values, standard deviation as well as the probability of failure are supported for individual constraints as well as globally.                                     
  7. Matlab is supported as a solver type on the Windows platform.
  8. LS-OPT metamodels (DesignFunctions.x files) can be imported. This is useful for problems in which a metamodel has already been constructed. Importing and optimization/Monte Carlo analysis can be executed as a single step to allow for automatic importation preceding the inner level analysis of a multi-level optimization.
  9. Parallelization is now automatic for extraction repair. The number of processors available on the local machine is automatically detected.
  10. Mode tracking now runs in parallel.
  11. Box plot options are available for histogram displays (reliability analysis). This includes whisker type options for min./max., interquartile range, standard deviation and 9%/91%.
  12. The FE postprocessor can be customized.
  13. Encryption features are available to encrypt the LS-OPT (.lsopt) input file.
  14. The efficiency of the Curve Mapping algorithm has been improved.
  15. Features have been added to the GenEx text extraction tool to simplify the selection and extraction of histories.
  16. A response file option allows the specification of an output file with a single value that needs to be extracted (user-defined response). This feature solves a portability issue by avoiding the necessity for “type” (Windows) or “cat” (Linux) commands to write such a file to standard output as is required for user-defined responses.
  17. Retry and timeout attributes required by the job scheduler to handle abnormal termination can now be specified in the GUI.
  18. An image of the flow chart can be saved as a picture file.