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Problem Description

The Bauschinger effect is significant for the automotive sheet steels. The phenomenon is observed under cyclic loading which results in a hysteretic stress-strain curve. The nature of the hysteretic curve complicates the curve matching required to identify the material parameters and therefore an approach which is more sophisticated than the ordinate-based matching is required. For this purpose, a Curve mapping algorithm is used.

The following example consists of five load cases each representing a different cyclic loading range as illustrated in the stress strain diagram in the figure below. The material is defined by 9 parameters.

Points illustrated by this example:

  • How to use Curve Mapping, a curve matching metric for hysteretic curves
  • Using file histories to load test data into LS-OPT
  • Defining crossplot histories
  • Using multiple simulation models in the same optimization problem (multi-case).

Problem Solution

