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Home Screen Process Flowchart

  1. Double click on the Sampling crash  box.                                                                 

A window Sampling crash shall open.

mainscreen sampling

 mainscreen build_metamodel

Define Metamodel Settings

  1. Select the Sampling Metamodel Settings tab.
  2. For Metamodel select from the list Polynomial.
  3. For Order of the Polynomial model we take Linear.
  4. Make sure that the Point Selection is set to D-Optimal, which is recommended.
  5. Click on the OK button to proceed.

Sampling settings

Build Metamodels

  1. To review the Metamodel properties for optimization, select the Build Metamodels box.                                                         

A window Sampling crash shall open which is the same as in the Sampling box. It's displayed twice in the main GUI to visualize the flowchart of the optimization process.