Setting parameters in the Genetic algorithm
The default parameters in GA should be adequate for most problems. However, if the user needs to explore different methods, the following parameters may be set for GA.
Option |
Population Size | Population size |
Number of Generations | Number of generations |
Selection Operator | Selection operator: Tourament, Roullette, SUS |
Tournament Size |
Tournament size for tournament selection operator
Elitism |
Switch elitism for single objective GA
Number of Elites |
Number of elites passed to next generation
Encoding variable |
Type of encoding for a variable: Binary=1, Real=2
Numbits variable |
Number of bits assigned to a binary variable
Crossover type |
Type of real crossover: SBX, BLX
Crossover probability
Real crossover probability
Alpha value for BLX | Value of α for BLX operator |
Crossover distribution |
Distribution index for SBX crossover operator
Mutation probability |
Mutation probability in real-space
Mutation distribution |
Distribution index for mutation operator
Algorithm Subtype | Mulit-objective optimization algorithm: NSGA II, SPEA II |
Restart Interval
Frequency of writing restart file for direct GA For multi-objective problems, this parameter governs the frequency of writing TradeOff files
Max Repeat Optimum/Generations | Maximum number of generations allowed to repeat as a fraction of the totla number of generations allowed. |
Constraint Handling
Constraint handling types: Deb Efficient Constraint Handling, Penalty