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Why does the checking of the *DATABASE cards return an error, but the binout files are generated correcty?

LS-OPT can perform some basic checks of the *DATABASE cards in the LS-DYNA input deck.

The checks will be done using the input deck of the first run of the first iteration. The items checked are:

  1. Whether the required binout data types are requested in the LS-DYNA input deck.
    For example, if LS-OPT uses airbag data, then the LS-DYNA deck should contain a *DATABASE_ABSTAT card requesting binout output.
    Note that the binary flag has to be set to 2 or 3. The default 0 is not supported, although it is 2 for LS-DYNA MPP. LS-OPT interprets the LS-DYNA executable always as a single process (SMP), and the default binary flag for LS-DYNA SMP is 1.
  2. Whether the required nodes and/or elements are requested in the LS-DYNA output.
    For example, if the LS-OPT output request refers to a specific beam, then a *DATABASE_HISTORY_BEAM or a *DATABASE_HISTORY_BEAM_SET card must exist and refer to the beam in question. Note that *SET_option_GENERAL or *SET_option_COLUMN card will not be interpreted and that an output entity specified using *SET_option_GENERAL or *SET_option_COLUMN may be flagged incorrectly as missing; switch off the checking in this case.