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How can I ensure that LS-OPT replaces the variables in the input file by integer values?

I defined a discrete variable with a list of integer values, but LS-OPT replaces the variables in the input file by e.g. 1. with a dot.

To ensure that LS-OPT replaces the variables in the input file by integer values, add  ":i" to the parameter definition in the input file:


This is necessary if the variable specifies e.g. different include files.


By default, LS-OPT replaces the variable by 10 characters, if the value is shorter, blanks are used. If this is not desired, add ":0" to the parameter definition in the input file:


Then LS-OPT uses exactly the number of characters needed.

Both options may be combined:



Filenames may also be parameterized using string variables.