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History and response result extraction using Hypergraph

The program Hypergraph from Altair may be used to extract response and history results in LS-OPT, respectively.


History Results

For extracting history curves, Hypergraph controlled by a *.tcl file (e.g. curve_export_skript.tcl) may be applied. The *.tcl file exports a curve through a *.mvw file (e.g. displ_167.mvw) to a file named LsoptHistory, which is automatically imported to LS-OPT, see extract_history.sh for an example.



Response Results

Hypergraph has the capability to write scalar values to a file. In the example below, the maximal value of a curve is exported to the file Acc_max.

{mynote = max(p1w1c2.y)}
max: {mynote}
{open "Acc_max"}

The maximal value of the curve is extracted to mynote, displayed on the screen, and everything between open and close is exportet to the file Acc_max (Acc_max_432.mvw).

To use that value as LS-OPT response result, it has to be extracted to standard output, see extract_response.sh for an example.
