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Run LS-Opt

  1. Click on the Run button from the Control Bar.  
  2. Select Normal Run for execution.
  3. The user can get information on the current iteration during execution.
  4. At every stage the user has an option to view the progress of the program execution by selecting the LED on the crash tab.
  • As seperate window Progress opens up.



  • The progress bar gives information on the status and several other details of the optimization progress.
  • Underneath the status, the user has the option to view various plots of the computed values during execution vs the simulation time.

View Log

  1. Select the simulaiton point for which the log file is desired.
  2. Click on the View log button.
  3. A new window open containg the solver output, in this case the LS-DYNA output.
  4. Click on the Dismiss button to close the window and proceed.


Progress_view log
  • To view the status of the program during execution, observe the grey LED's at every stage of the process flow. Succesful completion of every stage is marked by turning respective LED green.

After completion of the program execution the user can view the results.
