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System-/Parameter Identification

The utilization of new materials such as plastics, composites, foams, textile or high-strength steels require the application of highly complex material models. These material models generally bring along numerous material parameters, which are difficult to define. The optimization program LS-OPT is excellently suited for the identification of these parameters. By the parameterized simulation of the physical tests with LS-DYNA an automated calibration to the test results is performed. The objective is to minimize the error between the test results and the simulation results.





Optimization Algorithm

  • Successive Response Surface Method (SRSM)

Calibration of

  • Scalar values
  • Global curves
  • Full-field calibration

Curve Extraction

  • Interface to LS-DYNA output
  • Target curve from file
  • Interface to gom/ARAMIS
  • Crossplots

Curve matching metrics

  • Mean Squarred Error
  • Curve Mapping (e.g. for hysteretic curves)
  • Dynamic Time Warping


  • History Plot
  • Visualization of simulated and target curve
  • LSPP fringe plots


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