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Self-Organizing Maps

Visualization using Self Organizing Maps is a convenient tool to determine conflicting objectives and discontinuities in the Pareto optimal front.

New Plot - Self Organizing Maps

  1. Click on the New Plot icon in the menu bar - (or click on the Open the viewer icon on the Home Screen Process Flowchart).

A New Plot window shall open.

  1. Select Replace current plot icon.
  2. Select Self-Organizing Maps under Pareto Optimal Solutions.




Self-Organizing Maps Settings

  1. Select the cell under the first objective. i.e the cell 2x1.
  2. Select Entity.
  3. Select the Entity as the variable tbumper.
  • Repeat the steps 4-5 for the cell 2x2 and for the variable thood.


  • Visualization using Self Organizing Map is a convenient tool to determine conflicting objectives and and objecitves that are in agreemnt, and also the relation between variables and objectives or constraints, respectively.